1.Hello, please tell us something about yourself. (do mention your name, graduation college, and FMGE marks).

Myself Dr. Nikish 
Kharkiv national medical university 
FMGE score - 166

2. What do you think is the correct approach to study for FMGE? Only MCQ's or Theory+MCQ's?

Theory + MCQ 

3. When should the preparation ideally be started?

After my graduation 

4.Please list the books you studied for each subject.

Pathology Sparsh Gupta sir 
Pharma Gobind Rai garg sir 
Self assessment Obs and gyne by Sakshi Arora ma’m 

5. Have you attempted FMGE previously? If yes, what did you do different this year that lead to your success.

Yes . Studied calmly at home . 
Studied My notes and tried to revise as much as I can . Solved mcq from prepladder and Fmge solution 

6. How big is the role of practice and revision while preparing for FMGE and how much time should be dedicated for it?

It plays a big role as it will be easy to recall during the exam. The slight fear that if difficult question comes wht u will do will be overcome 

7. Did you use a time table/study plan to keep your preparation on track?

I have made a timetable but couldn’t follow that . I have studied one major subject with one minor subject 

8. List the most difficult and easiest subjects for you.

Most difficult was anatomy and microbio As they both are volatile subject . U have to read them again and again 
Easiest was pathology derma pharma obs and gyne 

9. One mistake that you believe everyone must avoid while preparing for FMGE

Not practicing mcq on regular basis .
10. Last tips for upcoming FMGE aspirants.

Believe in urself that u can do it . 
Self belief is the most important for this exam . In Last few days before exam do not read anything   New just revise whatever u have read. And a day before exam pls take adequate sleep and think that you have done whatever need to be done and believe u will overcome this exam

11. Special thanks to any institute or group or person??

I want to thank my parents and my friends for being there for me when I lost hope .


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